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{{ 'Feeling bored with normal Tring-Tring tone? Active FunTone and Welcome your callers with favorite Songs. Click below to Subscribe. Charges applicable.' | langfilter:languagekeys}}

{{ 'Dear user, You are a FunTone Subscriber from' | langfilter:languagekeys}} {{Subcribeddata.usersubdate}}. {{ 'Your subscription will be renewed on' | langfilter:languagekeys}} {{Subcribeddata.userrendate}}.

{{ 'My Songs' | langfilter:languagekeys}}

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{{ 'Next Renewal Date' | langfilter:languagekeys}}: {{song.rendate}}


{{ 'Feeling bored with normal Tring-Tring tone? Active FunTone and Welcome your callers with favorite Songs. Click below to Subscribe. Charges applicable.' | langfilter:languagekeys}}

{{ 'Dear user, You are a FunTone Subscriber from' | langfilter:languagekeys}} {{Subcribeddata.usersubdate}}. {{ 'Your subscription will be renewed on' | langfilter:languagekeys}} {{Subcribeddata.userrendate}}.

{{ 'My Songs' | langfilter:languagekeys}}

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{{ 'Next Renewal Date' | langfilter:languagekeys}}: {{Subcribeddata.userrendate}}
